• April 23, 2024


  • Quick start of a web project

    To develop a modern web application, you need to have skills both in creating the server side and the client side. The most common combination in the corporate environment lately is Java using the Spring Framework for the server and React for the client. However, not all developers have Full stack skills (knowledge in both…

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  • Pillars of frontend development

    As before, frontend development is based on three pillars — HTML, CSS and JavaScript, so we’ll start the analysis with them. HTMLWithout understanding the markup, you can’t get any further, because this is the framework of the site. You should learn the basic tags and attributes, understand the anatomy of HTML markup, and be aware…

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  • How to develop an Enterprise-level web application

    PlanIntroductoryBranching the repositoryDependency InjectionProject SetupMiddleware:AuthenticationRBACEntity OwnershipHTTPSTestingResultsIntroductoryHello everyone, today we are continuing a series of articles on how to develop a commercial web application from scratch. The code is presented in the repository. Alexey SolomonovAlexey SolomonovONE HUNDRED subscriptions “Fire”In the previous article, we talked about how: Collect requirements.Develop the architecture.Choose a web framework.Document the API.Obviously, the…

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